Title: The Guardians
The Hebrew text reads: Life Everlasting - Here Now
The background was painted using paint covered firecrackers back around 2012. I had the inspiration to complete Guardians with images in 2021.
The original measures 36” x 48”
The Greek text reads: Awaken - Now
Letting go into the unknown is the inspiration.
The original measures: 48” x 24”
I understand that the depiction of any religious figure might trigger a reaction from some. My intent has never been to insight anyone’s anger but rather to rather to provoke thought.
For me the idea behind this image is to suggest that, knowing the consequences, this is someone who wants out of this story.
Size 32 x 30
This is Titled Moonlight Romance
Background is painted using firecrackers. Acrylic
The original measures: 39” x 24”
Pure Love is the theme here. The Latin text reads, “Love is everlasting”
The Illusion of Power.
Power is both seductive and fleeting. Throughout history power shifts but is never stagnant for too long.
32 x 30 inches
Belief is just a passing thought-form yet we try to hold it and honor it with made-up traditions and ritual.
Size 32 x 30
My brother passed away in February 2021. Ted was a lifelong artist who’s dedication to art has always inspired me.
He had public gallery showings in Los Angeles and Houston.
Back in the eighties he painted a series of battle scenes depicting Ducks and Wales doing battle in the flooded streets of LA and even sold to a few celebrities.
The Hebrew and Latin texts are prayers for the dying.
19 x 33 iinches
I call this 'Rapture in Blue