What About me.. yadda.. yadda.. yadda

Art is how our souls communicate. It’s my feeling that art is supposed to express our inner feelings when words fail.

I’ve been involved with the Arts, in one form or another, for most of my life. It’s always been my refuge from the chaos of modern life. 

Some images, that I produce, are whimsical and some express deeper longings, feeling. However expressed, I always attempt to produce work that speaks to those inner longings. 

Throughout our lives we absorb most of our day to day knowledge from what we witness in the world around us. For example when we reach into water we might notice the circular ring pattern pulsating away from our touch. I have found these simple observations to be my artist class room. 

The tools for creativity are everywhere. For me, art is the mixture of observation and imagination expressed in physical form.

(1974 selfie)

Throughout my twenties I made a living as an airbrush artist traveling through much of California selling my wares at arts & crafts fairs and selling wholesale. 

(Santa Cruz 1977) 

I later become very familiar with computers and started drawing using a mouse.

I created an IChing Screen-Saver using my own digital drawings.

(one of the images I created for the screensaver)

In recent years I've begun painting again the old fashion way with just a canvas, a paint brush and me.

In spite of having Multiple Sclerosis for over thirty-four years I am still able to create. Yes, it effects my hands but I still have enough ability, most days, to paint. 

(2017 picture)

Art is how our souls communicate. It’s my feeling that art is supposed to express our inner feelings when words fail.

I’ve been involved with the Arts, in one form or another, for most of my life. It’s always been my refuge from the chaos of modern life. 

Some images, that I produce, are whimsical and some express deeper longings, feeling. However expressed, I always attempt to produce work that speaks to those inner longings. 

Throughout our lives we absorb most of our day to day knowledge from what we witness in the world around us. For example when we reach into water we might notice the circular ring pattern pulsating away from our touch. I have found these simple observations to be my artist class room. 

The tools for creativity are everywhere. For me, art is the mixture of observation and imagination expressed in physical form.

(1974 selfie)

Throughout my twenties I made a living as an airbrush artist traveling through much of California selling my wares at arts & crafts fairs and selling wholesale. 

(Santa Cruz 1977) 

I later become very familiar with computers and started drawing using a mouse.

I created an IChing Screen-Saver using my own digital drawings.

(one of the images I created for the screensaver)

In recent years I've begun painting again the old fashion way with just a canvas, a paint brush and me.

In spite of having Multiple Sclerosis for over thirty-four years I am still able to create. Yes, it effects my hands but I still have enough ability, most days, to paint. 

(2017 picture my wife Patricia & Myself)

I hope you enjoy my work and even find inspiration from what you see.

I’d love to hear your comments.

Thank You
