Self portrait I painted in high school. I think I might have been 16 at the time.
On September 8th 2022
I did this interview with Jeff Mara about a Near-Death experience I had when I was 22 years old that profoundly effected my life. I’ve rarely talked about it over the years until recently.
A few years ago I discovered a facebook group that is dedicated for people have had similar experiences.
Often, of this facebook site, people will pop in to ask questions and there is a rich community of NDEers always available to answer. I’ve found many of the discussions to be quite profound. So when Jeff Mara saw one of my post he reached out to me for an interview.
Jeff was welcoming and had a way of putting me at ease. I appreciate the fact the he is sincerely interested and not at all cynical.
Hope you enjoy
October 27th 2022
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Natalie Higgins about my Near-Death experience from new years 1973/74.
I found her to be engaging, interesting and very sincere in her inquiry.
Since she’s in Australia and I’m in California we were texting, trying to find a time that suited both of our schedules when, in a moment of clarity, she just said, “How about Now!”
It was late here and early morning in Australia.. Perfect.
So without preparation we went to our studios and had the following conversation.
Natalie was a dream to work with. I enjoyed our conversation.
Hope you enjoy it too
August Peterson is a brilliant 8th grade student who asked me to contribute to an assignment (documentary) that he prepared for class about the near death experience. He asked me to contribute and I was happy to help.
His work is as professional as anything I’ve ever seen on this topic.
In December 2022 I had the pleasure of sharing my thoughts about a Near-Death experience with John Glasspoole for his Podcast.
Before the interview began we had a wonderful conversation where we both shared some of our experiences. John added some of our conversation at the end of the interview.
If your interested in hearing more of John’s near-death interviews: please subscribe to his YouTube channel.
Back in 1999/2000
I wrote Messenger from the Summer of Love
The story is based on an idea that first came to me when I was still in high school.
I published it and was pleased to receive excellent reviews. Sales were gradually increasing. It was being used by The University of Nevada. All was going well till 9-11 happened.
It seemed that all interest in ‘60 nostalgia rapidly dissipated at that time.
If you Google the title you’ll fine a lot of copies available from several second hand sellers.
I had these two paintings were selected to be displayed in the exhibit hall at the Marin County Fair this year (2024).